General Health System (GHS) Contributions will increase as from 01 March 2020 (19/03/2020)

The General Health System (GHS commonly known as Gesy) has come into effect as of the 1st of March 2019.

The GHS contributions are as per below:
1. employer’s contribution is 1,85%
2. employee’s contribution is 1,70% on the employee’s gross earnings
3. self-employed individuals’ contribution is 2,55% on their gross earnings

Furthermore, as from the 1st of March 2020 and upwards the contributions rates are increased to 2,90% for employers, to 2.65% for employees and to 4,00% for self-employed individuals.

Please note these contributions are payable up to maximum annual earnings of €180.000.

Please find below a table summarizing the contribution rates for GHS in Cyprus: