Category: Annual Levy

Annual Levy for Companies 2022

Annual Levy for Companies 2022

As statutorily required, Cyprus registered companies must pay an annual company fee at the Department of the Registrar of Companies..

Extension of the Annual Levy Deadline for 2021 (07/07/2021)

Extension of the Annual Levy Deadline for 2021 (07/07/2021)

The deadline for the payment of the Annual Levy for 2021 has been extended from 30 June 2021 to 31 December 2021 without..

Annual Levy 2021 (22/03/2021)

Annual Levy 2021 (22/03/2021)

Cyprus registered companies must pay an annual company fee at the Department of the Registrar of Companies every year. For..

Annual Levy for Cyprus Companies 2020 (12/10/2020)

Annual Levy for Cyprus Companies 2020 (12/10/2020)

As statutorily required, Cyprus registered companies must pay an annual company fee at the Department of the Registrar of Companies..

Payment of Annual Levy (27/05/2019)

Payment of Annual Levy (27/05/2019)

The Annual Levy deadline is 30 June 2019 and the amount is €350. There is a penalty charge of 10%..

Annual Levy 2016 (25/05/2016)

Annual Levy 2016 (25/05/2016)

As statutorily required, Cyprus registered companies must pay an annual company fee at the Department of the Registrar of Companies..